Monday, October 21, 2013

One of the most important things you can do to ensure you're being most successful in your own life is have a positive conversation with yourself.  I say positive talk because so much of human behavior is reinforced during what I call the Round Table personal conversation with YOU, You, and U when no one else is present.  And based upon what you collectively come up with will determine the outcome of your reality. 

So I have this large 5x4 note sitting right in front of me on my file cubicles at my desk side by side to my monitor which reads "The Size of Your Success is Determined by the Beliefs Within YOU!"  For me that's my daily reminder, & mantra that empowers me to positively and effectively help Clients achieve their objectives.  See most of my clients although they come to me with their vision don't really believe it's possible for them to achieve it to the fullness by which they describe the life they'd like to have, and as a result they keep having this counterproductive talk with themselves and me.  When I hear them second guess what they really want I know they doubt based upon limited knowledge, and knowledge is POWER!  

Knowledge coupled with effective plans which are really overviews, outlines, and case scenarios, all changeable mind you to help you get from point A-B.  But these plans need time lines and or deadlines attached to them to draw a conclusion or focus to get to your Vision.  But this thinking will need to be supported by or teamed up with commitment, determination, strong desire, dedication and most important personal discipline!  Because if you're not disciplined with your plans it doesn't matter how determined, committed, or even dedicated you are - you wont see it to completion.  Because only the fuel of personal discipline coupled with why you're motivated to keep consistent direction or purposeful action in the direction of your vision will yield you the results you want.  In other words WHY do you want the outcome seen in your Vision.  WHY is it so important?  See your WHY or Reason provides you with the necessary information needed to fuel your belief- it's needed to sacrifice for.  YOUR WHY is the only Reason you'll ever do anything that's important to you, it's the reason you'll get more education to support your resolve, it's the motivation to help you Win at your life.

That's why I reinforce daily "The Size of Your Success is Determined by the Beliefs Within YOU!" I depend upon me and others depend upon me for their lives to run smoothly in the part that I play in it.  What about you?  What do you believe about what and WHY you want the life you say you want the one you always DREAM of?  The key word in my Mantra is Belief, it is powered by education, knowledge, & information- I believe based upon what I know will make my beliefs more solid and real to me, so when I don't have enough information I get educated to increase and expand my belief.  I believe that what I know can position me for success.  Now don't get me wrong in the course of journeying towards my vision even with all the best laid plans and best knowledge available sometimes the Timing is just off and if that's the case don't be dismayed put it aside for another opportunity.  Opportunities come often it's just most people aren't prepared, and LUCK to me is when Opportunity meets Preparedness at the right Time!

So today begin your preparation by getting enough correct information on what you want to do, on how you'd like to expand your life and live it winning vs losing at it.  Look if you understood or really appreciated that the most valuable commodity you have is your time, you wouldn't waste it, you'd spend this non refillable asset a little more carefully ensuring the most effective use of it, maximizing every opportunity you have with positive talk and energy to yourself and surrounding yourself with like energy to empower you to the next level of your Vision.

Today is a good day to Win at your life.  Our Designer & Creator made you to have success at whatever you put your hands to do.  For He states: "For I know the plans I have for you and they are of peace and prosperity for an expected end!"  Jeremiah 29:11-The Bible

Quit fighting with yourself, get on the winning team of YOU and see how your life can really be.

With Warm Regards


Follow & Share @joaznit2win on FaceBook, Twitter & Instagram

Sunday, October 20, 2013

So today I'm challenging you to actually write down what you'd enjoy doing if money & time weren't the issue- what's the first thing that comes to your mind aside from doing nothing... okay!  I'm talking about the thing you talked about as a Teenager or you considered doing once you retired or if you won the lottery after you bought all the pants, shoes, dresses, purses, cars, toys, houses, boats, etc.., that maybe someone said: "people don't get paid to do that, or you really can't make money at that sweetie.. go think of something else; no- no not that- you can do anything in the world, but not that for a living!"  Write down what you really saw yourself doing before all the well intentioned nae Sayers who also abandoned their DREAMS for "Realities Unfulfilled"got involved, before all the financial calculations of this or that field not really being a good one to venture into at this time were considered.  Instead will you do me and yourself a favor and think of that thing which makes you sit back with your hands behind your head with both feet up crossed on the table or chair in front of you with the smile of pure satisfaction, that- "Man if they paid me to do that... wow would I jump at that right now and let this piece of s*#t go-- right now!"  That's what you write down and that's what you're Going to do.  I can say that now having lived over half a century and charting my course across the globe doing what the *#*! I wanna do- just because I'm seeing it and desiring to do so, and Authoring it... to mean giving it (my thoughts, my desires) life, fuel, energy within my personal universe to happen.  What do you have to lose by doing what you want that may give you the most satisfied fulfillment this side of sex!

See in your resolve which creates conflict you must be committed to win for you, for your life, you're expending the energy anyway you may as well get the benefit of it vs some disease for a miserable life of choices as the prize at the end of your story with a horrible last five or ten years to boot, really is that really how you saw your life turning out- so don't waste it!  Make the conflict the inconveniences the inner turmoil of "can I, should I, I'm not qualified, who am I to be thinking like this?"  Those are inner conflicts that you must resolve today- make that discomfort work for you not against you- don't give in to it by giving up, the reason we suffer from discomfort when something is uncomfortable is because your body in defense of you is saying "Hey we're not happy with this, that's not how we win-- what are you doing, that's not going to end well for us"  listen to yourself in this sense.  Look you have the same 24/hrs that Jack, Mary, Shelly, & Bill Gates have, it's just what are you willing to do with the 16 waking hours apart of that 24/hr life cycle to get what you want, not need, as want is a bigger motivator, needs once met will no longer provide the drive, the energy to fuel your DREAMS.  Make these steps purposeful and live your life on purpose vs off the cuff or by the seat of your pants.  Be committed to TEAM YOU!  Now it's not to sound selfish as you can successfully chart your course for your destiny and include those who you may be attached to where you both win inclusively.  People like winners, and when TEAM YOU is winning everyone achieves more together, you only need to clue them in on your vision once you know the point of destination.

I want you to be successful, so let me know how you're doing send me pics of your quest or vision, thoughts on how you'd like to get started and lets get busy doing it, you'd be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it, and you have someone cheering you on that YES YOU CAN!  Join the conversation and be in your life 2win!

With Warm Regards,


Your Creator says: "For I know the plans I have towards you and they are of peace, hope & prosperity for an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11 The Bible 
If a chair has a purpose in its design made by human hands how much more so you made by The Superior Being hands the Creator of the Universe... just thought I'd put that out there.

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